About Me

R. J. Mendola grew up in a traditional Italian home in Brooklyn, New York, where children, parents and grandparents treasure their close-knit family structure. He became interested in the arts after a move to Staten Island as a teenager, and signed up for art classes at the local college.

Additionally, Mendola gained experience as a playwright and also found that he had the ability to improvise on the piano.


Socio Political

Disclaimer: Some of the images may be disturbing.


Disclaimer: Have to be at least 18 years of age to view.

Holocaust Art

Disclaimer: Some of the images may be disturbing.

What Clients’ Say

Jeremy H

Unique Gift

I was gifted a very unique lithograph in his series Ecce Homo. It is such an interesting piece using a unique process to create something spectacular and tells a story. I am very impressed with this piece and I am interested in buying more in the series! Give RJ Mendola Conceptual Art a look, you will be impressed!

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