
How do I purchase a piece?

The numbered reproductions are available at the prices indicated. Just place your choice in the cart and go from there.

Are the pieces delivered?
Yes, they are delivered by either USPS or FedEx. The reproductions are printed on art paper and numbered and signed by the artist. They will arrive, ready for framing or, If you choose the original image, it will arrive stretched and ready to hang.
What type of frame is recommended?

The frames for these reproductions could be purchased at a frame store, either off the shelf or made to order. The frames that the artist uses are standard 16” x 20” frames with an 11” x 14” opening.

Do the series have stories, so to speak?

Yes, a brief description of how the different series came about is at the beginning of each series. For a more expansive description, you can email me and I would be happy to elaborate.

Does the artist accept commissions?

Yes, the artist would be happy to accept a commission. Photos of the subject would be needed which could be emailed but they must have a good pixel count. The subject would send the photos and also photos of anything else meaningful in their life together with a synopsis of their current life so that the artist could make the piece memorable. The artist could also be commissioned to create a piece of a public figure or a favorite entertainer using the same process as he has used in the pieces on the website.

Do the colors stay the same?

The colors are printed on art-grade paper and should stay as bright and vibrant as when you received the piece.

Are the colors of the pieces really like they are on the website?

I take high-quality photos of all my pieces so you can get the best example of the pieces. PCs and phones and tablets are all different so there may be some deviation.

Am I able to speak with you about any of the pieces?

Yes, you can either contact me through the chat feature on the site, email me at rj@rjmendolaart.com or call me on +1 941 441 8555.